Aditi Rao Hydari, who recently got engaged to her boyfriend Siddharth in Telangana last month, shared an adorable post wishing her fiancé on his birthday. The actress shared a series of beautiful black and white pictures on social media, wishing her ‘manicorn.’
In the first photo, the couple is seen all dressed up and preparing to go for a formal event, while in the photos ahead, the actress has shared some cozy selfies with the birthday boy. She wrote an adorable and sweet message which read, “Happiest birthday my manicorn. To endless laughter, fairy dust, and happiness on loop. More power to you and everything that you do. Squishes from your forever cheerleader.”
The couple had recently announced their engagement on social media with an adorable picture. The actress captioned the post with, “He said Yes! E. N. G. A. G. E. D.” Talking about the wedding date, the Chithha actor revealed that it will be decided by the elders.
Aditi and Siddharth began dating after they worked together in the Telugu film, Maha Samudram, in 2021. On the work front, Aditi is gearing up for the release of the much-anticipated series Heeramandi – The Diamond Bazaar, created by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and set to release on May 1 on a leading OTT platform.
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