Female Marriage Proposal in Germany

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My name is Fatma Ali I am studying BWL and almost done with my studies. I was born and raised in Germany. I am a modern muslim Young Woman who is looking for an equal partner with same values.

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Basic Info

Name: Fatma

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Never Married

Age: 24 Years

Height: 5 feet & 6 inches

Physique: Average

Complexion: Wheatish

Religion: Muslim (Sunni)

Caste: Malik Awan

Mother tongue :Urdu

City: Ulm

Country: Germany

Other nationality: European Citizen

Profession: Private Firm

Life Style Standard: Very Modern

Job/Rank/position: Currently studying International Business Studies in 6th semester

Education: Bachelors In Business

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Looking for

Age:25 – 32

Marital Status: Never Married

Height: 5 feet 11 inch

City: Germany

Life Standard: Modern

Education: No Preference

Profession :No Preference

Native Preference :No Preference

Other requirements:

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Looking for a well educated and open minded man, who is preferably settled in Germany and is fluent in German. He should have good values and be ready to commit.

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