Storyline and Execution
“Shaitaan,” directed by Vikas Bahl, unfolds as a supernatural thriller featuring Ajay Devgn, R Madhavan, Jyotika, and Janki Bodiwala. The film begins with a strong premise, effectively building suspense in the first half. However, it loses momentum in the latter part due to a weaker script and underdeveloped characters, especially the antagonist.
The standout aspect of “Shaitaan” is the performances. Ajay Devgn and R Madhavan deliver compelling performances, with Devgn portraying a father’s turmoil with notable conviction. Their acting prowess brings depth to the characters.
Technical Aspects
Amit Trivedi’s background score is a high point, adding an eerie tension to the movie. The film’s cinematography and editing are commendable, aligning well with the genre.
Overall Impression
Despite its strong start and solid performances, “Shaitaan” is let down by its script in the second half. It’s a suitable family thriller but might not meet the expectations set by its initial buildup. The movie earns a rating of 3 out of 5, reflecting its strong points and noticeable weaknesses.
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