Mind Body Spirit 2024 film reviews MOVIES & MANIA



‘Make space’
Mind Body Spirit
is a 2023 American found-footage horror film about an aspiring yoga influencer who embarks on a ritual practice left behind by her estranged grandmother.

The movie was directed by Alex Henes and Matthew Merenda from a screenplay co-written with Topher Hendricks. Produced by Jesse McClung and executive-produced by Dan Asma.

The Sunday Scaries Production stars Sarah J. Bartholomew, Madi Bready, KJ Flahive, Anna Knigge and Kristi Noory.


Anya (Sarah J. Bartholomew), an aspiring yoga influencer, embarks on a ritual practice left behind by her estranged grandmother. What starts as a spiritual self-help guide quickly evolves into something much more sinister. As Anya becomes obsessed with the mysterious power of the practice, she unwittingly unleashes an otherworldly entity that begins to take control of her life and her videos. Now Anya must race to unlock the truth before her descent into madness threatens to consume her mind, body and spirit…


Welcome Villain will release Mind Body Spirit on VOD on May 7, 2024.



Technical stuff:
1 hour 25 minutes

Trustworthy recommended external reviews:
Bloody Disgusting
Gorey Bits [YouTube]
Horror Movies Uncut
Horror Fuel
Horror Obsessive
Nightmarish Conjurings
What Sleeps Beneath

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